
May 21, 2012


How to make money Blogging
Blogging is another way an average man can make money online. For newbie and internet newcomers, blogs are known as one paged website or a mini website. It resembles website but not a website. It is a webpage but a mini style of web page. Blogs are easiest ways one can create a webpage. There are paid blogs and free blogs. Paid blogs are those blog by which you pay for its hosting. That is the ones you can buy and pay for it s hosting. Those that offer such services are You can buy one from them and host it through hostgator.
There are also free blogs. Those who think that they can’t bear the pains and money involved in hosting a website can create free blogs. What is significant with free blogs is that they are controlled by a third party. You will not have total control over it. But in paid blogs you will have absolute control of the blogs. There is not much difference in operating free blogs and paid blogs. The only difference is that in paid blogs, you can have absolute and total control of it but in free blogs you can’t have absolute control over it. You will be controlled by a third party. Free blogs are being offered by and To do it you can sign in to their site and follow the details of creating free blogs. Once you follow their details, they will show you directions on how to create the blog in few minutes.
Advertise your blog
After creating blogs, the next task is to advertise your blogs. You have to make your blog known. You can advertise your blog in forums and newspapers, comments platforms, and websites. Try to comment on other people’s posts or views, and use your blog as signature. This will help to drive traffic to your blog. That is it will help people to always troop to your blog and search for information online.
Register your blog
Next line of action is to register your blog. You can register your blogs to search engines like yahoo, msn, google etc. you can also register your blog to blog directories. This will help for proper index of your blog and make it possible for search engines to start crawling your site. After registering your blog, another task is to advertise your blog in social networking sites like twitter, face book, myspace etc. all these will help to drive traffic to your blog.
Try to be a man of value
Allow users to comment on your blog and attend o their needs. Try to create confidence in your visitors. Try to be a man of value. Make your audience have trust in you. You don’t need to rush making money online. Once your audience starts to have trust in you they can buy anything from blog out of confidence.
Monetize your blog
Another key factor is to monetize your blog. You can register with pay per click programs like google ad sense, bidvertiser, chitika, adbrite and addynamo. After registering with them, they will give you ads codes which you will paste in your blog. This is allowing them to advertise on your blog. They pay you for any click on those ads.
You also register with affiliate programs like Amazon, eBay, clickbank, and google affiliate network. Here registering with them will give you the access to sell their products for them. When someone buys their products they pay you your commission.
You can also sell your products online. Your products can be e-books, or digital products and electronic products. They key to earning money through blogging is making sure that you have enough traffic and make sure that you blog constantly
If you cannot create a blog or if you have don’t have the chance or have limited resources to create your blog, I can do it for you. All you have to do is to send the following
  • Username
  • The name of the blog
  • The colour of the blog
  • The information you want to be posting, example; about money, internet, love, health etc.
  • Your phone number

I will create a free gmail account for you, and then send to you the account with the password. You can still change the password after.
b. I will then create a blog for you and give you the details on how to operate it (from sign up to posting, linking, and how you can make money with it.
c. I will fill the blog with ten articles on the subject matter you chose.
d. I will use that email and register two affiliates for where you can earn money with the tutorials on your mail.

                                        HOW TO GET THIS
After creating, posting, and designing your blog, I will send the website address to your email or to your phone number, after checking it; you will only pay #3000 to this account number
Account name; Ugwoegbu Chrysantus .O.
Number; 318460000067101
Bank; Finbank

Then send the teller number to 08060424309. Whenever I see it, I will send your password for you.