
Jan 29, 2011

How to make $4000 monthly without any capital online

How to make $4000 monthly without any capital online

Making money online has been a lucrative business in the internet. There are some people who are at home, eating from hands to mouth, suffering from poverty and laughter from people. So many graduates who have passed through the university are now jobless, some losen hope, hoping that all hope is lost. Let me tell you there is still hope for you. So many others have spent most of their precious time browsing through the internet, spending their hard earned money using network providers to browse through the net but not getting anything out of it. It has always been my intention to teach you how to make money heavily online without stress. All you need is to have an email address, an internet working computer, if don’t have, you can breeze in to a cybercafé, if you have any, you can use or buy mtn, zain, or etisalat bundles, or buy that of visafone. Just have an internet working computer. Then a website or a blog.

Blogs are easy to create, they can create blog for you free. The good news is that you can make huge amount of money with it. To create free blogs go to create free blogs. Once you signed into blogger, you may be required to open a google account. Don’t worry there is no hassle there. Bloggger will give give you a form to fill. Once the google account is created, you can be able to create your blogs. It will not take you up to 30 mins to finish. After that you can post as many articles you want. Make sure there is traffic in your blog, that is you have to make people visit your blog often. Then next thing is to monetize your blog.

Warning: this takes patience, don’t think that you can hit the cash 3 mins. It takes hardwork, and determination. Patience is always the key. I can now boast of making $4000 monthly, sometimes $6000. if you can follow this advice strictly, you can make as many money as you like then free yourself from teasing and laughter from friends and neighbours even those of your friends that ran away can still come back to you. You can live big if you dream big. If you want to achieve this nothing will stop you, no condition, not even your condition, not even money. Follow this rule strictly and enjoy
1. monetize your blog with

or Blog with When you register with them, they will start serving ads on your website or blogs, and you make money when some one clicks on the ads.
2. use google adsense. Go to and register for adsense. When google approves you, they will start serving ads on your website or blog. But in google adsense, you can start earning few cents. But my I discovered the secret of google adsense and was able to make $800 for the first time when I laid my hand on this secret. Warning; to make it, you have to be prepared. Don’t doubt me. I have done that and wants to liberate you from poverty. Just .
3. Google affiliate networks; once you signed for adsense, you are now eligible to register with google affiliate networks. Register with them. If any person buys their products, they you 75% of the sales. I hope this is well understood. You can ask your questions

Jan 28, 2011


Are you disabled from using google adsense or disapproved from participating in any affiliate network, don’t worry there is still hope for you. Bidvertiser works better than google adsense or any adsense program that pays you only few cents. In bidvertiser you can earn up to $20 per click. Monetize your Website or Blog with BidVertiser Bidvertiser is a pay per click program, which also offers an affiliate program like google adsense, kontera etc. you  can earn huge amount of money with Bidvertiser. You can also advertise, publish ads or refer people to bidvertiser  and there is also a PPC program for eBay sellers. Bidvertiser offers good advertising programs for ebay sellers. They pay either through paypal or instant check. To join you must have a website or even a blog but you can still heavily through their referral links.
After you join Bidvertiser (it takes up to 48 hours for your blog to be approved) and configure your ads, you must insert some html lines to your blog, where you want your ads to be displayed. The ads will appear instantly.
Advertisers will bid against each other for your ad space and through Bidvertiser ad serving system will always display the highest bidders, those that will generate the maximum revenue for your advertising space.

Once you have joined Bidvertiser, you can display ads on whatever domain you want, whether in a blog or forums or your websites.
Bidvertiser has a wide range of ads, full customizable. You can change colors and fonts. My advice is to change the colors and fonts to suits your blog, to look like being a part of it. You can see how we customize our Bidvertiser ads. Did you like them?
Bidvertiser provide full statistics for every ad on your blog. You could add a name for each ad, to see what ad works better. For each ad, you have a list of advertisers, with the maximum bid for each of them. This doesn’t mean that for a click on a specific ad, you will get the maximum bid. Maximum bid is the higher amount of money an advertiser would pay for the ads to be displayed. Some of the ads are geo-targeted. This means that ad will be displayed only to visitors from the listed countries.
You can have control over the ads that appears on your blog. By default, all the ads are approved. But you can also decline an ad if you don’t like it (for example if it is a competitors’ ad).
You can also display Bidvertiser ads within your feeds, using a plugin for WordPress developed by them and available for download within your Publisher account. This plugin is only available for BidVertiser’s Publishers and it includes unique identification info for each publisher. After you apply for your feed ads you will be given a verification code which you need to publish in a blog post for Bidvertiser to verify that you are the owner of that feed. After verification (which takes about 1 minute) you can delete that post.
If you are using FeedBurner and would still like to keep your subscribers count, have access to all of its features, statistics and use your current FeedBurner address you have to follow some simple steps in order to embed Bidvertiser ads in your FeedBurner feed.

Affiliate program

All you have to do is to place a button, banner or text link on your blog and you will start earn money when a user click on them and signs as an advertiser or a publisher.
When a user signs as an advertiser and first spends $10, Bidvertiser will credit your account with $5. When that same advertiser spends $50, you will be credited with an additional $20.
When a user signs as a publisher and first earns $10, Bidvertiser will credit your account with $10. When that same publisher earns $50, you will be credited with an additional $40.
Your earnings will be tracked in your Referral control panel along with clicks, sign-ups and conversions.
Bidvertiser make monthly payments, either by check or instantly through PayPal with a minimum of only $10. I earn better and bigger in Bidvertiser than in google adsense. You can also test it.

Jan 26, 2011



Google AdSense is the best way to make money free online from informational sites even if there are no obvious related affiliate programs. But you don't need to disregard affiliate programs.  
To make money with adsense, you need to build an information site, a website with much traffic, in the first place don’t expect too much earnings, the earnings accrue as increase your traffic. When I was new to adsense I was only earning few cents but when I discovered these adsense  secrets I have been able to earn $4000 monthly. It is not a joke. Making money online has been such an enjoyable adventure for me that I can now pay my rents, build my own house and take care of my family. At the initial time, it was so frustrating to me. Having discovered these adsense secrets I was able to get good traffic to my site. If you cant afford building a website, opening a blog at will also help. They will create blog for you free of chargeBeginners Guide to Adsense - How to create your own money-making adsense websites

AdSense is easy to join, it doesn't cost you anything, all you have to do is paste a few lines of code into your pages, and Google does the work of finding the best ads for them from hundreds of thousands of AdWords advertisers. You can check the relevance of the ads by looking at the text ads on the right side of this page.
How to get started
Go to Google AdSense.
Fill in the application form and confirm an email that Google will send you. If you own several sites, you need apply only once.
Google evaluates your site and will follow-up with you via email within 2-3 days (usually within 24 hours). If you're accepted, you'll be able to log in to your AdSense account.
Log in to your account using the email address and password that you submitted with your application, and agree to the AdSense Terms and Conditions.
Paste the AdSense ad code into your Web pages. There are 10 ad layout choices: 728x90, 468x60, 125x125, 120x600, 160x600, 120x240, 300x250, 250x250, 336x280, and 180x150. In addition to text ads, you have an option of running contextually targeted image ads.
You can choose the color palette from a long list of available palettes or create your own. You can even rotate your ads through up to 4 palettes.
The AdSense ad code is unique for your account and is not site/page-specific. You can place it on any page or site you own.
How to get the most out of AdSense

There are three obvious ways to increase your income from Google AdSense...

1) Increase traffic
Create more keyword-focused pages. See Building: Site Content: Choosing Keywords for more information on finding the most profitable keywords.

2) Increase click-through rate
Use simple design with the AdSense ads displayed prominently. According to Google, ads in the skyscraper format works better (especially on the right side of the page). Focus to only one topic per page - that should make it easier for Google to serve up the more tightly contextual ads which means better click-through.

3) Increase the value of clicks
Of course, you can't do it directly. However, you can find some "expensive" keywords and create pages optimized for them, within your site's theme. These keywords are highly competitive and you'll unlikely get high ranking for them, but visitors will arrive from other "inexpensive" pages and click on Google's ads.

Top Paying Adsense Keywords:

▪ Do you feel frustrated by investing endless efforts looking for the top paying adsense keywords?

▪ Are you still getting stuck in building a website about the highest paying Google adsense keywords?

▪ Are you tired like me of all programs that promise you an automatic generation of optimal adsense web pages and then leave you seething with frustration and disappointment?

▪ Do you ever wonder why it is so hard to make money using top adsense keywords? Did you try everything out there and you are still making few dollars per month? To get yourself out of all these mess and make your own $4000 a month justClick Here! . No matter  what it takes you. If you know what you are looking for nothing will stop you from getting it, only you can stop yourself. Are sure you want work  from home without stress, but making $4000 monthly, don’t ever miss toClick Here!

Google AdSense A to Z ! Everything You Need To Know About Making Money with AdSense

Jan 25, 2011



Check these options below and see if you can correct and fix computer errors. Tick where your own problem lies. These ways are tested and trusted.

Slow Start Up
There can be a variety of reasons to Windows loading slow during start up. Go to Run, type msconfig and hit enter. Under the ‘Start Up’ tab, uncheck the unwanted programs and press OK. Things should be a bit fine the next time Windows boots.

Another program worth mentioning here is StartUp Delayer which will help in setting after how much time programs should be loaded after Windows boots. For instance, you could set your instant messenger program to load 50 seconds after Windows starts up.

Slow Loading Start Menu
If the Start Menu items are loading slowly, you can open the Registry Editor by typing in the Run menu ‘regedit.exe’ and pressing Enter. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. Look for MenuShowDelay, and double click to edit the value. The lower the number specified, the faster the Start Menu will load.

Slow Right Click Context Menu
Probably the Windows Right Click menu on your computer is loading slow because too many programs added unwanted entries there. Just download this program called Mmm, install it and then modify your context menu to remove unwanted items to speed it up.

Slow Send To Menu
If the Send To menu loads slowly, you can type ‘sendto’ in the Run Dialog, and remove unwanted items in the Explorer Window that appears. This should add some speed to it.

Slow Defragmentation
The Windows Defragmenter can’t get any slower. You need to have an alternative to the Windows Defragmenter, and Defraggler is just one of the best ones available in the market. It’s free, and works like a charm and can speed up defragmentation manifold. For some alternatives, see Five Free Programs to Defragment your PC.

Slow loading My Computer Window

If the My Computer Window loads slowly, in the Explorer Window, go to Tools >> Folder Options >> View and uncheck ‘Automatically search for network folders and printers”

Slow loading Add or Remove Programs Applet
This is one of the most annoying piece of programs present in Windows, it takes ages to load if you have a considerable number of programs installed on your computer. You can either use the all-in-one CCleaner for this purpose, or get MyUninstaller that comes as a speedy replacement for Add or Remove Programs.

Slow Ending of Unresponsive Programs
If you’ve clicked on ‘End Task’ if any program is running unresponsive, you might have noticed that the program is not terminated immediately. You can alter this by going to Run >> regedit.exe >> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ and change this value to 1000.

Disable Animations and Appearance Overhauls to maximize performance
If you’re a serious performance junkie, you probably won’t bother about eyecandy. Go to System Properties in the Control Panel. Click ‘Advanced’, then ‘Performance’ and click ‘Adjust for best performance’. This might boost your PC’s performance up a bit.

Remember These:
- Always keep your computer clean. Remove Junk and Unnecessary registry entries. Use Cleaner for this purpose, one excellent tool that just does what it says.

- Don’t keep installing software. Install a program only if it really serves you a purpose.

- Keep as less programs as possible running on the System Tray. This essentially means reducing the number of programs that start during Windows start up. To protect your computer from malicious spywares and malwares that may destroy your computer, make your pc faster without constant scanning but full protection click here
 you will never regret it. constant protection against viruses and spywares is always required. dont afford to miss this  wonderful opportunity. iam a testimony. check this and ensure full protection to your computer


Through my research I discovered that these simple ways can help you give maximum protection to your computer, make these steps a daily habit and you will have no cause  for alarm. Just follow them bit by bit;
Clean up disk errors
Run once a week
Whenever a program crashes or you experience a power outage, your computer may create errors on its hard disk (sometimes referred to as a hard drive). Over time, the errors can result in a slow PC. Fortunately, the Windows operating system includes several PC tools, including a Check Disk program, to identify and clean any errors on your computer and to help keep it running smoothly.

Note: You must be logged on as an administrator to perform these steps. If you aren't logged on as an administrator, you can only change settings that apply to your user account.
Run Check Disk:
Windows 7 and Windows Vista users

Click the Start button , and then click Computer.

Right-click the hard disk drive that you want to check, and then click Properties.

Click the Tools tab, and then, under Error-checking, click Check now.

To automatically repair problems with files and folders that the scan detects, select Automatically fix file system errors. Otherwise, the disk check will simply report problems but not fix them.

To perform a thorough disk check, select Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. This scan attempts to find and repair physical errors on the hard disk itself, and it can take much longer to complete.

To check for both file errors and physical errors, select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.

Click Start.

Depending upon the size of your hard disk, this may take several minutes. For best results, don't use your computer for any other tasks while it's checking for errors.

Note: If you select Automatically fix file system errors for a disk that is in use, you'll be prompted to reschedule the disk check for the next time you restart your computer.
Windows XP users

In the Start menu, click My Computer.

In the My Computer dialog box, right-click the drive you wish to check for errors (for most of us, this is the C: drive, unless you have multiple drives on your computer), and then click Properties.

In the Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab. In the Error-Checking section, click the Check now… button. A Check Disk dialog box appears.

In the Check Disk dialog box, select all the check boxes, and then click Start.

You will see a message box that says you can schedule the disk check to start the next time you restart your computer. Click Yes. The next time you restart your computer, it will automatically run through a disk check before displaying your login screen. After the disk check finishes, Windows will automatically bring you to your login screen.

Note: Check Disk can take more than an hour to check and clean errors on your computer.

Remove temporary files
Run once a week

Your computer can pick up and store temporary files when you're looking at webpages and even when you're working on files in programs, such as Microsoft Word. Over time, these files slow your computer's performance. You can use the Windows Disk Cleanup tool to rid your computer of these unneeded files and to help your PC run faster.
Run Disk Cleanup:
Windows 7 users

In the Start menu, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup. Disk Cleanup will automatically begin to scan your disk for files you can delete.

Note: If the Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection dialog box appears, select the hard disk drive that you want to clean up, and then click OK.

Click the Disk Cleanup tab, and then select the check boxes for the files you want to delete.

When you finish selecting the files you want to delete, click OK, and then, to confirm the operation, click Delete files. Disk Cleanup then removes all unnecessary files from your computer.

The More Options tab is available when you choose to clean files from all users on the computer.
Windows Vista users

In the Start menu, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup.

In the Disk Cleanup Options dialog box, choose whether you want to clean up your own files only or all of the files on the computer.

If the Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection dialog box appears, select the hard disk drive that you want to clean up, and then click OK.

Click the Disk Cleanup tab, and then select the check boxes for the files you want to delete.

When you finish selecting the files you want to delete, click OK, and then, to confirm the operation, click Delete files. Disk Cleanup then removes all unnecessary files from your computer. This may take a while.

The More Options tab is available when you choose to clean files from all users on the computer.
Windows XP users

In the Start menu, click My Computer.

In the My Computer dialog box, right-click the drive you wish to check for errors (for most of us, this is the C: drive, unless you have multiple drives on your computer), and then click Properties.

In the Properties dialog box, click Disk Cleanup.

Disk Cleanup calculates how much space you can free up on your hard drive. After its scan, the Disk Cleanup dialog box reports a list of files that you can remove from your computer. This scan can take a while depending on how many files you have on your computer.

After the scan is complete, in the Disk Cleanup dialog box, click View Files to see what Disk Cleanup will discard (if you accept the suggestions). You can select and deselect check boxes to define what you wish to keep or discard. When you're ready, click OK.

You can also select the More Options tab within the Disk Cleanup screen to look for software programs you don't use much anymore. You then have the choice to remove these unused programs.

Optimize your data
Run once a week

As you add programs and files to your computer, it often breaks files side by side to increase the speed of access and retrieval. However, as files are updated, your computer saves these updates on the largest space available on the hard drive, often found far away from the other adjacent sectors of the file.

The result is a fragmented file. Fragmented files cause slower performance because your computer must now search for all of the file's parts. In other words, your computer knows where all the pieces are, but putting them back together in the correct order—when you need them—can slow your computer down.

Windows includes a Disk Defragmenter program to piece all your files back together again and to make them available to open more quickly.

Note: Windows 7 and Windows Vista are preconfigured to run Disk Defragmenter on a weekly basis. If you would like to run the tool manually or to adjust the schedule, click the section for your specific operating system.
Run Disk Defragmenter:
Windows 7 users

Run Disk Defragmenter manually:

Click the Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Disk Defragmenter. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Select the drive you want to defragment, and then click Analyze disk. Disk Defragmenter will evaluate your disk and then make a recommendation as to whether a disk requires defragmentation.

If disk defragmentation is recommended, click Defragment disk to clean up your computer. The Disk Defragmenter reorganizes files by placing them together and sorting them by program and size.

Adjust the schedule:

Click the Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Disk Defragmenter. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Click Configure schedule....

In the Disk Defragmenter: Modify Schedule dialog box, choose how often, which day, what time of day you want defragmentation to occur, and on which disks, and then click OK.

Click OK again.
Windows Vista users

Run Disk Defragmenter manually:

Click the Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Disk Defragmenter. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Select the drive you want to defragment by clicking Select volumes. Disk Defragmenter will evaluate your disk and make a recommendation as to whether the disk requires defragmentation.

If disk defragmentation is recommended, click Defragment now to clean up your computer. The Disk Defragmenter reorganizes files by placing them together and sorting them by program and size.

Adjust the schedule:

Click the Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Disk Defragmenter. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Click Modify schedule....

In the Disk Defragmenter: Modify Schedule dialog box, choose how often, what day, and what time of day you want defragmentation to occur, and then click OK.

Click OK again.

Note: If you want to modify which drives are defragmented, in the main Disk Defragmenter dialog box, click Select volumes, and then select the drive you want to defragment.
Windows XP users

In the Start menu, click My Computer.

In the My Computer dialog box, right-click the drive you wish to check for errors (for most of us this is the C: drive, unless you have multiple drives on your computer), and then click Properties.

In the Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab, and then, in the Defragmentation section, click Defragment Now....

In the Disk Defragmenter dialog box, select the Volume (most likely your Local Disk C:) at the top of the screen, and then click Analyze.

After analyzing your computer, the Disk Defragmenter displays a message stating whether you should defragment your computer. Press Defragment to clean up your computer, if necessary. The Disk Defragmenter reorganizes files by placing them together and sorting them by program and size. To make use of your computer without any infections, any spyware or viruses, to enjoy your computer till you are tired,   check here I tried it and now I cant shout or scanning for viruses everyday, so it can also help you